Carpet Cleaning & Area Rug Cleaning

Keeping your carpets clean is important not only because you want to keep your home looking good, but also because you want your carpet to last as long as possible. Let the professionals at High Tide keep your carpet looking and feeling great. Call us today for a free quote.

Click on our CARPET STAIN GUIDE for spot and stain removal tips to help you keep your carpeting looking as good as new for years to come.


The Health Benefits of Carpet Cleaning

Homeowners know that carpet cleaning isn’t just about prolonging the life of your carpet or upholstery. It is also about health. Because the outdoor air contains pollens, fungus, bacteria, air pollution, cigarette smoke, car exhaust and hundreds of other chemicals, carpet can absorb many dangerous allergens and carcinogens.

There’s no way to overemphasize the importance of carpet cleaning in your home or business. Regular professional carpet cleaning can help remove these contaminants, leave you with a healthier home and help preserve the longevity of your carpet as well as improving the quality of the air you breathe.

Benefits of Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning

  • Remove Stains & Odors – As a professional carpet cleaner, we are able to remove stubborn stains and odors.

  • Reduce indoor allergens – Dust, dander and mites can contribute to the development of indoor allergies and other illnesses.

  • Professional rug cleaning reduces the prevalence of allergens.

  • Improve the appearance of your home or business. First Impression is everything.

  • Extend the life of your carpet. Regular professional carpet cleaning will extend the life of your carpet for years.

High Tide's Carpet Cleaning Process:

  1. A deep vacuuming using agitation removes particulates

  2. The application of a preconditioning solution separates and suspends the soil from the carpet fibers

  3. Agitation of the preconditioning solution ensures maximum contact between the solution and the fibers

  4. Using truck mounted equipment, hot water extraction is used to remove the suspended soils

  5. Grooming helps restore the carpet pile, improving the overall appearance of your carpeting

  6. Thoroughly drying the carpeting and rugs before we go prevents damp carpet odors.

Steps will be taken to expedite the drying process, however, expect the carpet to remain damp for 4 to 6 hours after the cleaning. The use of ceiling fans or the HVAC system can help speed up the drying process.